Thursday, February 17, 2011

A New Adventure

Blogging about France is fun. It really is. But those of you who know me well know that I generally have a lot more to talk about than just my life in France. Those of you who know me well-- hell, those of you who know me at all-- know that I have opinions about things. Lots of opinions. About lots of things. So I'm not really sure exactly what this blog is going to center on... we'll let that work itself out... I just know I need somewhere to talk about the parts of my life that aren't about France, ie, things that don't really belong on my France blog. For now I can tell you that you will probably see a lot of posts about politics and social justice/policy issues, and probably some other miscellaneous stuff like what I am reading at the moment, what I am listening to, what's been getting on my nerves lately, etc. As always, I will try to make it as witty and entertaining as possible.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT my France blog. This is NOT a blog for the faint of heart. What I mean by this is that this blog will be far less censored and I will have far less regard for appropriateness/political correctness/what-this-might-look-like-to-others. This blog is just going to be me. I am gay. I swear. I smoke. I drink. I am going to talk about these things, probably in agonizing detail. So if you're not a fan of any of them, consider yourself warned. That being said, I welcome and encourage your comments, even those in opposition to whatever I am opining in the moment (it's nice to know I'm not just talking to myself somewhere out in cyberspace), but hateful/ignorant/uneducated comments will not be tolerated. I will delete them from the post and then hunt you down and personally punch you in the mouth. Seriously. Try me.

Alright, that is all. Look forward to a "real" post later today sometime.

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