Sunday, February 20, 2011

Peggy Welch Update

Well, well, Welch.

It seems I am not the only one who was a little unpleasantly surprised by Peggy Welch's vote in favor of amending Indiana's constitution to ban same-sex marriage, and not the only one to let my feelings be known. This article by Indiana Public Media confirms that Welch has received a flurry of letters, phone calls, and emails in the days since the House vote. In case you didn't see it on Facebook, here is the text of the email I sent her:

Dear Ms. Welch,

It has come to my attention that you voted in favor of the recent bill to amend Indiana's Constitution to prohibit marriage-like unions between same-sex couples. This leads me to respectfully question whether or not you are truly and fairly representing the interests of your constituency. Bloomington has one of the largest gay populations per capita in the United States, and is well known as one of the few safe havens for GLBT people in an otherwise very conservative state and region. And this extends well beyond the confines of the University community. Have you ever enjoyed a delicious meal at FARM Bloomington? Have you ever sampled the sweets at Blu Boy Cafe and Cakery? Shopped at the farmer's market on a beautiful summer Saturday? Attended a concert or play at the Buskirk-Chumley Theatre? Ms. Welch, without Bloomington's vibrant and active gay community, many of these fixtures of Bloomington life would not exist at all. Bloomington's great openness and diversity are what make it special, and what attracts thousands of students, visitors, and new residents to the city every year.

In addition, you may not realize that this constitutional amendment can and will have negative effects on Bloomington's heterosexual community as well. It could prevent unmarried hetero couples from visiting their significant others in the hospital, it could prevent unmarried hetero couples from being protected by domestic violence laws in the case of partner abuse, and a whole host of other things. It's easy to pass a bill targeting a population you are not a part of and may not like, Ms. Welch, but did you stop to think about this bill's impact on others? On straight people like yourself?

Ms. Welch, as a fellow elected official in our state's government, I understand that your job is not an easy one. However, I would like to take this opportunity to respectfully remind you that our job as elected officials is to represent the interests of our respective constituencies, whether or not those interests are perfectly in line with our own personal beliefs and agendas. I believe that by voting to pass this constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, you have done your constituency, and perhaps your own prospects for re-election, a grave disservice. I urge you to consider this with every voting decision you make in the future.

Sara P. Whitmer
Former Bloomington resident
Precinct Committeewoman, Marion County

Welch says in the above IPM article that her vote is "consistent with her faith," and that she believes she is "accurately representing the view of her constituents that marriage should only be between a man and a woman." Yeah. Ok. Lady, you are a Democrat. In BLOOMINGTON. Really?!?

The article also says that Rep.Welch will begin replying to letters, calls, and emails on the topic at the end of next week. In the meantime I have submitted my own letter to both the Indianapolis Star and the Bloomington Herald-Times. I can't wait to hear what she has to say.

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